2:22 am June 22, 2022
I realize many of you will think I’ve gone mad reading this, but this is the real type of information that’s been coming through to me for the last years. And while in the beginning I tried to shape and structure it into acceptable, palatable, rational forms.. last night, the rational gave way to real and raw.
You see, my body (just like yours) has been gifted to ‘know’, or rather sense, the ultimate truth. Our body is the vehicle that navigates through many realms and when allowed to flow, can be our strongest anchors in this reality. When we don’t follow this ultimate truth, meaning when we force ourselves to follow the rational mind, social rules, etc, instead of flowing with our bodies, we accumulate tension, create misalignment and start hurting ourselves, getting sick, incur injuries.
My body knows this all too well. Throughout my life, it’s been my spaceship across time and space.. correcting its course.. sometimes gently, sometimes with rough corrective actions. This time, the call came through my ears..
From one moment to the next, I felt a slight pain, and before long, my ears were fully clogged, buzzing, sending exploding sound into my head. The pressure was unbearable.
The first night I rushed myself to the emergency room and got a shot of corticoids that alleviated the pain for 24 hours. But when the pain came back the second night, I decided to seek real help: by delving within , through the direct connection to mother nature, allowing the body to help guide me.
I stepped out of the beach house, where I was staying, and walked into complete darkness to the beach nearby. At 2 am, there was no one there, just me and the millions upon millions of stars up on the sky. I gasped in owe, tears filling my eyes with gratitude. The cry for help came from the depth of my soul: ‘ What am I doing wrong? Why the pain again? I’ll do anything, but I can no longer get sick. I am ready to follow the call fully.’
I was guided further to the beach and all of a sudden felt the liquids inside my head moving downward.. within minutes I started hearing the water clashing onto the shore, a miracle after hours of maddening deafness. The unreal scene had me mesmerized as I thanked mother nature, preparing to turn back and head home, when I saw a bright light behind the mountain, reminiscent of sunrise. In disbelief, I looked intently to whiteness the most magical moonrise I have ever seen appear from behind the mountain. I knew that my pain would be gone soon. I walked even closer towards the darkness of the ocean, and washed my face with the water.. it was there that I received a message from her.. when i got home, my hands were ready to type the message exactly as was..
I will share it with those of you with whom it resonates..
Prophecies of Mary Magdalene..
The time for reuniting with our twin spark is now. There is no time left on this plane. It will soon be restored to point zero, to the original point of creation, from where everything was brought into existence.
Our only purpose in this incarnation is to align ourselves with who we truly are, to the sparks of universe that came to experience this divided reality, only to create a powerful longing, a real magnetic pull for reunification, for the grand return home.
For those of you feeling the call, there is nothing left to do, but to fully focus on the inner transformation and to allow for the chaos to take place in the 3D world. It will start unraveling itself, folding in on itself, self-destructing in order to reveal our and every living soul’s true essence.
Nothing will ever be the same. Our evolution has finally come to the turning point we have all been waiting for. We are ready. But not all of us. Many will stay in fear, attempt to control, feel the need to hold on to the material world, to the relationships, to the thing that make up who they THINK they are.
Embracing your true essence is the scariest of endeavors from the perspective of the incarnated human. But from the perspective of the soul spark within, it’s the greatest liberation and reunification we’ve been waiting for.
I am Mary Magdalene.
I am here to guide you through this.
Hold on to everything you feel inside, to the sensations, to your body’s powerful call. For your body is made up of star dust and is inseparable from everything else. Your powerful vehicle is the only thing you will need to make this journey possible. Don’t doubt, because the doubt distorts the matter you’re made from.
Trust, go within, unplug from the fear matrix you’ve been hooked to and jump in with trust and conviction of a wild woman that’s within.
Feel yourself fully, starting at the very base at which you were created. Your sacral, sexual chakra, the energy channel through which you are connected to the powerful creative force of everything ever created. It was there, at the base of your spine that your divine spark was placed to be lit on the day when you would be ready to ascend. The day you will reunite with your twin flame: to the one and only half from which you came in order to restore your wholeness. It might not be a physical person, a relationship. It could be the energy already within you, it could be a one-night stand, an event, or a soulmate. Whatever it is, you will know when it happens. The activation will prepare you for the highly charged journey of coming back home. It will feel like a thousand explosions, a volcanic eruption, the creation of very life itself.
Only we women have had this power all along. And it was taken away from us through mechanisms of fear, shaming, witch-hunts. Through the control of our bodies. It’s time to restore our divine power, to crown ourselves into the creatrix gown we need to dress in order to birth the new world.
It’s no longer unsafe. Unsafe is waiting for the patriarchal world to change. It wont. It will implode on itself, destroy itself, and die a slow painful death. But fear not. You are already birthing a new one, right in parallel to the one that’s being destroyed. You just have to feel it fully, powerfully, unapologetically, without looking back. You have to live it with every cell of your being for it to come out of the vibrational realm into reality. An all-together different reality.
A reality we’re all been waiting for. The return to Eden. The return to paradise.