The pain that led me back to HER

Bella B
3 min readAug 12, 2024


Pleasure has been the word you’ve heard from me a lot. Pleasurable Wellness is the movement I’ve started, and I fully believe in the power of Pleasure to heal.

But pleasure didn’t come into being without the pain.

Pain was my first teacher, my guide to leading me out of who I was NOT, to becoming who I am. Dis-ease that took away my vitality filled me with the courage to live fully & unapologetically.

While my mind and ego were blinded with who I had molded myself into, my body took on the role of the lie detector. Health issues would come from time to time to remind me that my role was not to conform and make everyone proud for having followed the rules seamlessly. It came painfully loud and clear to remind me to go deeper, find the real version of myself, to awaken to my true purpose.

But this is not just my story. This is the story of the collective female body awakening to its true role of the life-giver, healer, creator, the sacred portal.

I was afraid to allow myself to become her, but my body would have it no other way.

And so, I share my stories of pain and healing in hopes of never having to go back to it again, and helping those of you in pain to heal yours by allowing yourselves to become who you were meant to be in this life.

Every step back to following the rules would bring the pain back. And every remembering and leap of faith — healing. After many trials and errors, I now know without a shadow of doubt that I cannot pretend or turn away from the truth of who I am.

Once the stories are written, the pain always goes away, and then the miracle happens; the channel opens, and HER voice comes out, loud and clear.

My intention with this and the consequent stories is to end the cycles of pain and remembering, and to fully open ourselves up to Being, without ever needing to forget again, without ever casting the gaze down in fear of being judged or biting our tongue for having said something inappropriate.

But most importantly, my intention is to give HER more space to be heard. She is here to guide us through this once-in-ions transition, she is here to console and embrace those of us ready to fall into her lap, she is here to empower us to become ONE again.

She has come to me in many ways, shown many faces. But her voice is always unmistakable. It’s the voice of creation. She is #Yemanja, the goddess of ocean and creation, who guided me to reconnect with the flow of life. She is #Ashera, Yahweh’s partner, ripped out of the story of creation. She is #Lilith, trotting her way back to the Garden of Eden, to remind us that sin was created to control us. She is #Venus, who whispered to me from above that her power is not in beauty and love alone, but in wielding control of money and power too. She is #MaryMadgalene, who’s here to claim her place side by side with HIM and bring back her esoteric teachings that were buried for centuries in the caves of Qumran. She is #MotherMary, who’s ready to reclaim the true word of #Virginity as the sexually independent woman. She is Isis, Ishtar, #Astgik, #Inanna, #Aja, #Oshun, #Quanyin, the Spider Grandmother..

They’ve spoken to me in my dreams, in transmissions, downloads, but mostly they were silently there to guide me out of my pain and into the pleasure of being alive, to remind me that the only way to fully heal is to accept who I truly am — a part of THEM. They are tired of waiting for their turn, not because they are hungry for power. But because they are running out of time to restore real life on Earth by bring back the bliss of aliveness and the ecstasy of creation.



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